Tuesday, August 12, 2014

Teaching Children to SHARE

Some of these fun activities can help you teach children to share.

  • Toy rotation. The concept of playing with an object in rotation is more easily understood than the concept of sharing toddler toys. Use a timer and plug in a short time, say 1-2 minutes. Let the toddler playing with an object in his turn. He would let her play with the thing because he knew that it would go back to him after his playing time was running out. Do not forget to praise the child, for example by saying, "Oh, well once you lend Emma doll." If no one else, make yourself as a friend for her share.

  • Play a role. Show your child wants to share that with him getting close friendships and fun. Doctor-med. Invite a child to play with her friends. Make dolls as patients who had to be taken to hospital. Ask your child act as the patient's mother to give her doll to her friend who plays a doctor to be examined. When finished, ask for his giving back to the children's doll.
  • Car repair shop. When a toy cars, toy tell if there is damage to the child and should be brought to the workshop; ask him to give the car to his friend who plays mechanic to be fixed. When finished, ask her to give back the toy car on the little guy.
  • Play date. Children often have the opportunity to play with their peers will learn about the benefits of sharing. Set up a play date, the activities of playing together at a predetermined spot. The time is not too long. Let the kids busy playing with his friends. Watch them from a distance.

  • Playing in the playground. Schedule regular visits to a park or playground. Toys there is a common property that supports the child's situation to learn to share. However if condition changed, for example, children fighting over a toy with another child, diverting his attention on something else or take him home. -can be dropped

  • Stayed in your place. Every now and then, take the child to stay at home one of the cousin of the same age. Toddler opportunity to learn to share, such as sharing food, toys or books he brought with similar objects belonging to his cousin. If possible, let them sleep one bed.

  • Borrow a toy or a book. Each child has a toy that is very special and he did not want to lend it to someone else. If you want to teach children to share by way of borrowing toys or books with a neighbor's child, separate toddler first special toy in a box or cupboard closed before his coming. Tell the children that the toys in the toy box is not want he lent to his friend. In contrast, out of the box toys are toys that children do not mind lent it to a friend.

  • Disaster matter. Children can learn to pay attention and share with others when you are invited to participate to help people afflicted with, for example:Donate some pocket money or money giving people (red packet), clothes, uniforms or secondhand books, stationery, and toys that are educational in some body or a charitable foundation. Involve children while distributing the donations, if conditions permit. In addition to stimulating sensitivity in the child appreciate and understand the feelings of others who suffered, you can also explain and teach him how he should behave when dealing with people who are stricken. 

source :  http://www.ayahbunda.co.id/Artikel/Tips/Balita/mengajarkan.balita.berbagi/001/005/1235/3

Penyenang Hatiku

Alhamdulillah, seneng banget rasanya punya tomat, tomat selalu bikin hati senang, pokoknya tomat itu anugrah bangeeet. Doa ibu selalu menemanimu setiap saat, I LOVE YOU MY BABY TOMAT!

Monday, August 11, 2014

The Best Education in The World

Did you know that the quality of education which the country was ranked first in the world? The answer is: Finland. The quality of education in the country with the capital Helsinki, is indeed remarkable that the envy of all teachers in the whole world.
The world number one earned Finland based on a comprehensive international survey in 2003 by the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD). The test is known as PISA, measuring the ability of students in Science, Reading, and Mathematics. Remarkably, Finland not only excel academically but also excel in the education of children mentally weak. In summary, Finland managed to make all the smart students! So what is the key so that Finland is the country with the world's number one education quality?
Finland does not provide students with extended learning hours, giving extra homework, army discipline, or bombard students with a variety of tests. In contrast, students in Finland start school at a rather slow compared to other countries, which is at the age of 7 years, and at school they are even less, at only 30 hours per week.
Compare with Korea, ranking second after Finnlandia, the students spend 50 hours per week.

So what is the key? 

It turns out that the key lies in the quality of teachers

Finnish teachers are allowed teachers with the best quality with the best training anyway. Teaching profession itself is highly valued profession, although their salaries are not too big. The best high school graduates usually just apply for admission in schools of education, and only 1 of 7 applicants can be accepted. The level of competition is more intense than go to another prestigious faculties such as law or medical school! Compare with the Indonesian teachers have only modest quality and is the result of a college education with a quality pickup as well.
With good quality student and educational training of qualified teachers, no one if they become teachers with exceptional quality. With these qualifications and competencies they are free to use whatever method they like the class, with which they design their own curriculum and textbooks of their own choosing. If other nations believe that the testing and evaluation for students is a very important part for the quality of education, they seem to believe that the exam and the test that destroyed the student learning objectives. Too much testing makes teachers tend to teach students only to pass the test, said a teacher in Finland. Though many aspects of education that can not be measured by the test. At the age of 18 years old students taking the exam to determine their qualifications in colleges and two-thirds of graduates go on to college.
Students are taught to evaluate himself, even since Pre - Kindergarten! It helps students learn responsibility for their own work, said Sundstrom, elementary school principal in Poikkilaakso, Finland. If students are responsible, they work more freely because the teacher does not have to always control them. Students are encouraged to work independently with their own trying to find the information they need. Students learn more when they are looking for themselves the information they need. We do not learn anything if we just write down what was said by the teacher.


In Finland teachers do not teach by lecture method. School atmosphere is very relaxed and flexible. Too many command will only result in depression and learning becomes fun. Students who later received intensive support either by the teacher or other students. It is also what makes a successful Finland. Based on the discovery of PISA, schools in Finland is very little difference between students who do well and bad.

Remedial is not regarded as a sign of failure but as a chance to improve. A teacher in charge of handling the problem of learning and behavior of students create an individualized program for each student with an emphasis objectives to be achieved, for example: First, go to class; then come on time; next, bring books, etc.. If it gets homework students do not even need to answer correctly, as long as they tried.

The teachers are very avoid criticism of their students' work. According to them, if we say "You're wrong" on students, then it would make student become ashamed. And if they are shy then this will hinder them in learning. Each student is allowed to make mistakes. They simply asked to compare their results with the previous value, and not with the other students. So there is no ranking system. Each student is expected to be proud of themselves, respectively. Ranking system only makes teachers focus on a handful of specific students who are considered the best in its class.

The greatness and the success of the education system in Finland is a combination of high teacher competence, patience, tolerance and commitment to success through personal responsibility. If I fail in teaching a student, a teacher said, then it means there is something wrong with my teaching!

It was actually a very responsible teacher speech.

"The mediocre teacher tells, The good teacher explains, The superior teacher demonstrates,
THE GREAT TEACHER INSPIRES !"  (William Arthur Ward)

modified from indoforum.org

Friday, July 4, 2014

in sha allah


Seorang anak bertanya kepada Ibunya : 

“Ibu, Mama temanku membiarkan nyamuk menggigit tangannya sampai kenyang agar tidak menggigit anaknya. Apakah Ibu juga akan melakukan hal yg sama ?”

Si Ibu tertawa : “Tidak. Tetapi Ibu akan mengejar setiap nyamuk sepanjang malam agar tidak sempat menggigit siapapun”

“Oh iya. Kubaca tentang seorang Ibu yg rela tidak makan agar anak-anaknya bisa makan kenyang. Akankah Ibu lakukan hal yg sama ?”, si anak kembali bertanya.

Dengan tegas Ibunya menjawab “Ibu akan kerja keras agar kita semua bisa makan kenyang & kamu tidak harus sulit menelan karena melihat Ibu menahan lapar”.
Si anak tersenyum… :)

“Aku bisa selalu bersandar padamu Mama”.
Sambil si Ibu berkata : “Tidak Nak !. Tetapi Ibu akan mengajarmu berdiri kokoh di atas kakimu sendiri agar tidak harus jatuh tersungkur ketika suatu saat nanti Ibu harus pergi 


“Seorang Ibu yg bijak bukan hanya menjadikan dirinya tempat bersandar tetapi juga bisa membuat sandaran tersebut jika dirinya tidak lagi diperlukan”.

I love you mama, I cant describe by word how I love you :*

and I will to be like you for my children :)

Thursday, July 28, 2011

MEW (special)

Jonas Bjerre ♥

You're special
You're like rocket through me
Ohh, you're special
You're a rocket to me
And I cannot this time

You can't say no
This time you will go

You're special
You're like a rocket through me
Ohh, you're special
You're a rocket to me
And I cannot this time

There's a taste that you can't shake
But you can't seem to let them go awry
I know you're special
You're a rocket to me
At this surprised
All the time

I know what you said to me
And I don't care at the same time
But I'll take you up and down
Address it to you
Honey bee
I know what you said to me
And I don't care at the same time
And what do you stay to do?
I saw the worst of you

Friday, July 22, 2011

Badai Pasti Berlalu

sudah hampir empat bulan tergantung tanpa kepastian, rasanya tidak enak, padahal sangat banyak yang ingin diselesaikan, ya Tuhaaaaan kasih petunjuk buat semua agar cepat terselesaikan, amin amin. sangat percaya dengan kata-kata BADAI PASTI BERLALU, tapi kapaaaan? bukan aku menagih tapi aku sudah mendekati ketidak sanggupan :), I always praying for my future to be good person!

Monday, July 4, 2011

waiting for something and can't wait to start

Today July 4, 2011 I am waiting for an outcome that has been done over the past week, and hope that everything is satisfactory, amin:), and I can't wait to do it if I could get into it, hopefully this fight will be useful tomorrow!